Monday, December 6, 2010


Past investigation by the government agencies mandated with investigating corruption allegations including KACC and parliament have denied CHB of possible money laundering and even called for its reopening.
Why has the bank not been re-opened one may ask? Is it because Mr.Ranneberger said so or what ?And as the government delays re-opening is the government aware that innocent Kenyans who deposited their life’s saving ,School fees, hospital bills and even up keep money there? Are they aware that there might be an innocent child who sleeps hungry because his parents money are held up in a bank for reasons that they might be at least aware?
Mr. Ranneberger claims that the bank should remain closed since there are fresh details to emerge. The question is where he has been all this time with his so called fresh evidence. I want to believe if he was a good man, he should have handed the fresh evidence to kacc already
The bank officials have continuously said that if they have any wrong doing, they should be taken to court after all our national anthem says that justice should be our shield and defender.   The government knows too well that the accusations of which were leveled against the bank were allegedly committed even when there was no law to govern against them. How do you determine that some body has trespassed when there were no boundaries; how do you say they are wrong when there is no right?
Most banks officials insist that many banks operate yet they have cases pending in court. Is there something sinister that we don’t know believe that the law should guide us and the courts should serve as non-partisan referee not an opinionated ambassador.

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